75 orgs. and party-lists, joined forces in support of Roque and Belgica


Although the presidential and vice presidential races are different, the 75 organizations and various partylist groups have united in expressing their support for the candidacy of the two senatorial candidates.

These are former presidential spokesperson Harry Roque and Presidential Anti-Corruption Commission (PACC) Chairman Greco Balgica.

These organizations and groups known as the Special Alliance of People, Leaders and Organizations for Transformation (SAPLOT) formally expressed their support through an activity held at a hotel in Manila on Saturday, April 9.

Atty. David Castillon the organizer of the cover the reasons why the alliance chose the candidacy of Roque and Belgica

He said he expects the next candidates to endorse in the coming weeks.

Although he was not able to attend, Atty. Roque in expressing alliance support for him.

Belgica also failed to attend the activity but her father, Butch Belgica, represented her.

In his speech, Butch Belgica elaborated on his son's character, skills, competence and courage which are the reasons he is qualified to be a senator.

Finally, he thanked the constituents of SAPLOT for the support being extended for his son and Atty. Roque.

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